Lake Errock Gravel Pit Redevelopment

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The Lake Errock Gravel Pit Redevelopment proposal, known as Harrison Rise, has been incorporated into a new Neighbourhood Plan for Lake Errock.

This Neighbourhood Plan has been consolidated with the new Area C OCP and will be considered by the FVRD Board as a single bylaw.

To leave comments and for updates after July 2024, please visit the Area C OCP Have Your Say project page for the Neighbourhood Plan and Harrison Rise development proposal.

Open House – Lake Errock Neighbourhood Plan + OCP

Date: Monday, April 22 2024

Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Location: Scowlitz Community Hall, 12892 Moses Drive. Google Map

The FVRD is updating the OCP for Electoral Area C. An OCP is a statement of objectives and policies that guide planning and land use management. The OCP area spans from the Harrison River to the east of Deroche and includes Morris Valley, Harrison Mills, Lake Errock, and eastern portions of the Deroche Bench. The existing OCP was adopted in 2000, and the community’s vision has largely been realized. The OCP update will:

  • Include two (2) Neighbourhood Plans (Lake Errock & Harrison Mills)
  • Identify the overall land use plan for Area C
  • Include priorities raised by the community; including environmental protection, short-term rentals, parks and trails
  • Updated Geohazard information
  • Updated Environmental policies

Come out, review the progress of the OCP update, and chat with us about the Neighbourhood Plans. Your input is essential to guide future growth in Area C.

The Open House Information Boards are available here under Documents

Application Details

GWEB HOLDINGS LTD has made an application to re-develop the existing gravel pit located at 43837 & 43873 Lougheed Highway (PIDs 013-445-871, 012-051-853, 012-051-888, 012-051-900, 013-445-901) into a residential subdivision with approximately 485 dwelling units.

The proposed subdivision includes:

  • 144 single-family residential lots with secondary suites (288 Dwelling Units)
  • 97 townhouse units (97 Dwelling Units)
  • 67 Apartment residential units (67 Dwelling Units)
  • 11 3-unit Multiplexes (33 Dwelling Units)

The proposed development presents significant challenges and implications for the Lake Errock community, FVRD services, and potential taxation. While the physical development of the site has been planned by the applicant, there are important considerations related to integrating the development into the surrounding community, identifying off-site servicing needs, addressing the financial sustainability of new services, and conducting broad consultations. The application-led process has created complexities that require simultaneous neighborhood planning alongside application processing.

To address these challenges and District Board passed a resolution requesting capacity funding from the applicant. Consultant support is needed for various aspects, including the Servicing Feasibility Study, Local Sanitary Servicing Plan, Fire Protection and Fire Underwriters Survey Study, and planning and engineering review costs.


August 23, 2023 - Update

The Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) is hosted a public information meeting on August 22, 2023 for the application to re-develop the Lake Errock Gravel Pit. The application is not approved.

August 22, 2023, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Deroche Community Hall, 41555 North Nicomen Road

The FVRD's presentation slides are now available in the documents section.

The FVRD Board required the applicant (GWEB Holdings LTD) to submit additional information about their proposal. GWEB Holdings LTD provided a new report that addresses:

  • Impacts from the proposed Community Sanitary Sewer System
  • Sewer and Water system community benefits
  • Impacts on Lake/groundwater quality

The FVRD Board entered into a capacity funding agreement with GWEB Holdings LTD to support the FVRD’s review of the application. The FVRD hired Urban Systems Ltd to provide planning and engineering consulting services to support the FVRD’s review of the application.

The Capacity Funding Agreement and the Contract for Services with Urban Systems Ltd are available for review in the documents sections.

April 11, 2023 - Update

On March 23, 2023, the FVRD Board reviewed the application to redevelop the gravel pit at 43837 & 43873 Lougheed Highway, Electoral Area C, into a residential subdivision with commercial and multifamily land uses. The application was not given any readings and the application is not approved. Instead, the FVRD Board endorsed a path forward to review the application in more detail. The path forward includes the following steps:

  • The FVRD Board directed staff to work collaboratively with the applicant towards submitting additional information, as well as entering into a capacity funding agreement with the FVRD to provide third party planning, engineering, and financial consulting services to review the application.
  • New information will continue to be posted on this website for public review.
  • A public information meeting will be hosted by the FVRD after the planning, engineering and financial gaps in the application have been addressed.

The full resolution of the FVRD Board was:

THAT the Fraser Valley Regional District Board direct staff to continue to work with the applicant on the redevelopment proposal for 43837 and 43873 Lougheed Highway Electoral Area C;
AND THAT in accordance with Fraser Valley Regional District Development Procedures Bylaw No. 1377, 2016 section 4.1.2 a) the FVRD Board require the applicant, at the applicant’s expense, to submit the supplementary information required to address the information gaps outlined in the FVRD staff report dated March 9, 2023;
AND THAT the Board request the applicant to enter into a capacity funding agreement with the FVRD to provide planning, engineering and financial consulting services to address the information gaps outlined in the FVRD staff report dated March 9, 2023;
AND THAT in accordance with Section 4.6 of the Fraser Valley Regional District Development Procedures Bylaw No. 1377, 2016, the FVRD host a public information meeting to present and review the supplementary information required to address the information gaps outlined in the FVRD staff report dated March 9, 2023;
AND FURTHER THAT the Fraser Valley Regional District Board endorse the process for the review of the application as generally outlined in the FVRD staff report dated March 9, 2023

The March 9, 2023 staff report is available on this webpage in the FVRD Documents list.

The Lake Errock Gravel Pit Redevelopment proposal, known as Harrison Rise, has been incorporated into a new Neighbourhood Plan for Lake Errock.

This Neighbourhood Plan has been consolidated with the new Area C OCP and will be considered by the FVRD Board as a single bylaw.

To leave comments and for updates after July 2024, please visit the Area C OCP Have Your Say project page for the Neighbourhood Plan and Harrison Rise development proposal.

Open House – Lake Errock Neighbourhood Plan + OCP

Date: Monday, April 22 2024

Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Location: Scowlitz Community Hall, 12892 Moses Drive. Google Map

The FVRD is updating the OCP for Electoral Area C. An OCP is a statement of objectives and policies that guide planning and land use management. The OCP area spans from the Harrison River to the east of Deroche and includes Morris Valley, Harrison Mills, Lake Errock, and eastern portions of the Deroche Bench. The existing OCP was adopted in 2000, and the community’s vision has largely been realized. The OCP update will:

  • Include two (2) Neighbourhood Plans (Lake Errock & Harrison Mills)
  • Identify the overall land use plan for Area C
  • Include priorities raised by the community; including environmental protection, short-term rentals, parks and trails
  • Updated Geohazard information
  • Updated Environmental policies

Come out, review the progress of the OCP update, and chat with us about the Neighbourhood Plans. Your input is essential to guide future growth in Area C.

The Open House Information Boards are available here under Documents

Application Details

GWEB HOLDINGS LTD has made an application to re-develop the existing gravel pit located at 43837 & 43873 Lougheed Highway (PIDs 013-445-871, 012-051-853, 012-051-888, 012-051-900, 013-445-901) into a residential subdivision with approximately 485 dwelling units.

The proposed subdivision includes:

  • 144 single-family residential lots with secondary suites (288 Dwelling Units)
  • 97 townhouse units (97 Dwelling Units)
  • 67 Apartment residential units (67 Dwelling Units)
  • 11 3-unit Multiplexes (33 Dwelling Units)

The proposed development presents significant challenges and implications for the Lake Errock community, FVRD services, and potential taxation. While the physical development of the site has been planned by the applicant, there are important considerations related to integrating the development into the surrounding community, identifying off-site servicing needs, addressing the financial sustainability of new services, and conducting broad consultations. The application-led process has created complexities that require simultaneous neighborhood planning alongside application processing.

To address these challenges and District Board passed a resolution requesting capacity funding from the applicant. Consultant support is needed for various aspects, including the Servicing Feasibility Study, Local Sanitary Servicing Plan, Fire Protection and Fire Underwriters Survey Study, and planning and engineering review costs.


August 23, 2023 - Update

The Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) is hosted a public information meeting on August 22, 2023 for the application to re-develop the Lake Errock Gravel Pit. The application is not approved.

August 22, 2023, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Deroche Community Hall, 41555 North Nicomen Road

The FVRD's presentation slides are now available in the documents section.

The FVRD Board required the applicant (GWEB Holdings LTD) to submit additional information about their proposal. GWEB Holdings LTD provided a new report that addresses:

  • Impacts from the proposed Community Sanitary Sewer System
  • Sewer and Water system community benefits
  • Impacts on Lake/groundwater quality

The FVRD Board entered into a capacity funding agreement with GWEB Holdings LTD to support the FVRD’s review of the application. The FVRD hired Urban Systems Ltd to provide planning and engineering consulting services to support the FVRD’s review of the application.

The Capacity Funding Agreement and the Contract for Services with Urban Systems Ltd are available for review in the documents sections.

April 11, 2023 - Update

On March 23, 2023, the FVRD Board reviewed the application to redevelop the gravel pit at 43837 & 43873 Lougheed Highway, Electoral Area C, into a residential subdivision with commercial and multifamily land uses. The application was not given any readings and the application is not approved. Instead, the FVRD Board endorsed a path forward to review the application in more detail. The path forward includes the following steps:

  • The FVRD Board directed staff to work collaboratively with the applicant towards submitting additional information, as well as entering into a capacity funding agreement with the FVRD to provide third party planning, engineering, and financial consulting services to review the application.
  • New information will continue to be posted on this website for public review.
  • A public information meeting will be hosted by the FVRD after the planning, engineering and financial gaps in the application have been addressed.

The full resolution of the FVRD Board was:

THAT the Fraser Valley Regional District Board direct staff to continue to work with the applicant on the redevelopment proposal for 43837 and 43873 Lougheed Highway Electoral Area C;
AND THAT in accordance with Fraser Valley Regional District Development Procedures Bylaw No. 1377, 2016 section 4.1.2 a) the FVRD Board require the applicant, at the applicant’s expense, to submit the supplementary information required to address the information gaps outlined in the FVRD staff report dated March 9, 2023;
AND THAT the Board request the applicant to enter into a capacity funding agreement with the FVRD to provide planning, engineering and financial consulting services to address the information gaps outlined in the FVRD staff report dated March 9, 2023;
AND THAT in accordance with Section 4.6 of the Fraser Valley Regional District Development Procedures Bylaw No. 1377, 2016, the FVRD host a public information meeting to present and review the supplementary information required to address the information gaps outlined in the FVRD staff report dated March 9, 2023;
AND FURTHER THAT the Fraser Valley Regional District Board endorse the process for the review of the application as generally outlined in the FVRD staff report dated March 9, 2023

The March 9, 2023 staff report is available on this webpage in the FVRD Documents list.

Leave a comment

Please leave a comment in our guestbook.

The guestbook will be open until May 20, 2024. 

FVRD staff will not be responding to submissions at this time.  

A report on your feedback will be prepared for the Fraser Valley Regional District Board. This report will summarized the feedback received, identify key issues and how the applicants should address them and seek direction from the FVRD Board on how to proceed.

If the applications proceed, there will be additional and ongoing opportunities for you to provide future comments or ask additional questions.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

As a Concerned Resident I understand that this is development could adversely affect our Lake. The installation of underground utilities, installing impervious surfaces and redirecting drainage water into pipes or streams could alter the water recharge rate into our Lake. 1,) Has above ground surface water flow been computer modelled? 2,) Can that report be made public? 3,) Has the FVRD conducted background sampling of our Lake for dissolved metals, discharge flow, nutrients? 4,) If no background sampling has been conducted can the FVRD provide funding to support such sampling?

Concerned Resident about 2 years ago

As a Concerned Resident, I would expect that the owners of the gravel pit have taken leachate water samples as part of their gravel removal operation. These sample results would indicate if any dissolved metals are entering the Lake. As good Stewards of the Environment, I request that this monitoring data be made public.

Concerned Resident about 2 years ago

As a Concerned Resident I know that the developer has conducted groundwater modelling. This data has not been made available to the public. The public has a right to know the direction and flow rate of groundwater including any contaminants such as nutrient will migrate from the proposed building site to the Lake.

Concerned Resident about 2 years ago

As a Concerned Resident of Lake Errock and knowing that this development will be HUGE. I am concerned that nutrients (Nitrogen and Prosperous) from gardening will negatively affect our Lake. The Gravel Pit is coarse filter but will have little effect of filtering out nutrients. As an environmental engineer, I would like to see the developers data on how exactly they believe their subdivision will mitigate the infiltration of nutrient into our Lake.

Concerned Resident about 2 years ago

I do not want to be disrespectful, but this development project is a horrible idea and will likely be very detrimental to the surrounding area and its residents. The project will add 600 to 1000 residents to the area, with perhaps 500 cars, which will have to "safely" exit the highway which has single lanes each way. How many children will be living there and will there be room in local schools?
Currently we enjoy sitting outside watching the stars at night, which will now have the glow of hundreds of lights overlooking our house.
But the biggest concern is the waste water treatment plant running 24 hours a day. We are very skeptical of the PROMISES MADE, that there will be no noise, smell or dirty water runoff into the lake.

Concerned at the Lake about 2 years ago

I am strongly opposed to the development. I have consulted a foreman that has worked on other developments similar in nature regarding this site and he confirmed my suspicions - that the assurances I received privately from the engineers about the sewage treatment plant are false. The plant will omit an odor, will make noise and be lit up 24/hours a day. The noise, light and olfactory pollution of the treatment plant alone will have a major impact on the existing homes that have been there decades. If that was not the case, they'd build their homes around it but instead they've chosen to put it off to the edge to minimize the impact it will have on the homes in the development, not caring how it impacts existing homes. Add in the the additional 600+ residents from the 290 residential units and that is further exacerbated. Bring on safety issues on our small roads as another 600+ cars navigate them on a daily basis, trespass over the rail lines to access the lake, park illegally in front of existing homes. In the summer we already have our driveways blocked from non-residents using the lake, our fences/gates hit by cars turning around and are forced to deal with drunkenness at the beach and on the water. We purchased this home almost 2 decades ago for retirement and are nearing that stage in our lives. However, we now found ourselves considering selling because we don't want to spend our retirement years surrounded by a 10 year construction site - we've lived that already in the city. It is unfortunate that the greed of one developer is going to ruin a small community that has a 70 year history of children playing in the streets, community BBQs at the beach and taking care of our seniors in their old age. I also challenge the statement that this will provide affordable housing and local jobs for the communities youth - these homes are being built to maximize the view - they won't be built with affordability in mind but rather to attract urbanites that want to leave the city. As well, the contractors used to build this will likely be skilled labour from elsewhere in the valley, rather than training local youth. Long term jobs will be non-existent as this will end up being a residential community rather than mixed use. It is simply bringing suburban Vancouver to our front door in picturesque countryside. Please vote no on this development plan and save Lake Errock.

pnwlife over 2 years ago

I do not agree with this project at all however my main concern is where they are putting the sewage plant there is no way that should be right across the highway from the residence on the lake people did not buy waterfront property and pay a fortune to be looking at a sewage plant if this project has to continue that plant must be moved somewhere that isn’t in view of the lake houses. The sewage plant must be relocated so people on the lake cannot see it smell it or hear it!

Lake house over 2 years ago

My lot is right across the proposed sewage treatment plant. Please share the detailed report of possible health hazards including that from the noise generated from STP and the revised plan by FVRD to relocate it far away from my lot. I do not want it anywhere within 500 metres of my lot due to health hazards.

Samir Arora over 2 years ago

Let’s not put the cart before the horse. Let’s talk Hwy 7 the number of accidents is high, and often causes the Hwy to shut down due to severe injuries. Resulting in residents have to go through Chilliwack or wait it out. Once winter is done our traffic increases and reaches an unbearable level. Weekends and especially on the long weekends to people coming this way for recreational activities. I don’t even try going to town on Sunday or the Monday on a long weekends. The Hwy is dangerous enough but you have people towing without proper vehicles, passing illegally and ridiculous speeds. Trying to beat the train, the list is long. You have people parked every which way at the KFC, gas stations and Deroche store. They run across the highway like squirrels and it’s an accident waiting to happen. When there is actually a safe enough space to pull out on Lougheed and avoid being killed, you hit a parking lot once you get out of Dewdney and takes forever to get into Mission. The Hwy needs an upgrade first before considering to have that number of people call this area home. With a higher population we would also need consider emergency paid full time person. Swimming at Lake Errock that my children enjoy, will be in the past, with the addition of all those people, and their visitors. It’s sad that people move away to enjoy nature and the quiet but it never stays away long

Deroche resident over 2 years ago

I am very opposed to the gravel pit development. My home is directly opposite the proposed treatment center. The disruption of enjoyment of my property will be in jeopardy - re noise from mechanism of treatment center and is there a GUARANTEE of no smell and run off I don't want to think about as it would go through my property or into the small spawning creek 1 house over. The development co. said the run-off could be drank like water. I would really like to see the owner and developer actually drink that water. That is well and good that the first nations are for it but their homes are not directly across from this site. I hope you are listening to the residents of Lake Errock and taking into consideration of the pristine conditions of our residential and lake area.
Crossing the highway would not be a problem for the residents of the gravel pit and crossing the tracks and onto the cul-de -sac in front of my place to get to the park at the lake - would be a problem for my quiet end of the lake.
I find the highway summer, spring, winter and fall is busy day and night - traffic has increased considerably. And the noise from trains cars etc is enough without an added 600 people and their cars. Most of us left congestion behind and came to Lake Errock to enjoy the country atmosphere.
The original plan was palpable but this plan is really ridiculous. If this is approved I will take this further to oppose the placement of the treatment plant. I asked if the FVRD is doing their own studies for this site and was told no - that they have engineers to look at the plans - I would like to see an independent survey done.
Dissatified resident

Pauline over 2 years ago

To all people who care about Lake Errock (Squakum Lake) , Deroche, and British Columbia,

I attended the applicants open houses in April and June of this year. I found it extremely informative and was able to have all my questions answered. I also found the Fraser Valley regional district information meeting in November also very informative, and I had all my questions answered. After consideration of many public comments, and professionals input, I highly support the application in its form as presented. I am extremely pleased to have confirmation of support from both first nation communities directly affected by this development. I find Joey and Scowlitz (Sq'éwlets) First Nation to the east, and Leq'a:mel First Nation to the west extremely knowledgeable. I am very happy for their support for the development to proceed. I appreciate greatly the net benefits to the first nations salmon enhancement project and environmental benefit to the aquifer,Lake Errock, and Harrison river directly benefiting from the development proceeding. The Lake Errock existing community of 110 lots would not be acceptable at today’s standards. The small lots and old style septic systems adversely affect the groundwater aquifer and the lake water Health and effects on the wildlife and fish. This new development including its sewage treatment plant has the potential to offer the remedy to correct the environmental damage occurring as a result of the old septic systems on the existing Lake Errock properties. I’m very excited to see that the sewer treatment plant will directly help Joey and the Scowlitz (Sq'éwlets) First Nation community. I’m almost also excited to see Scowlitz (Sq'éwlets) First Nation and Leq'a:mel First Nation identifying the need for more new housing and the expectations for both first nations buying some of these newly built properties for their use. The housing units will provide diverse housing options by design and pricing to create affordability to the surrounding communities including Sasquatch mountain and many nearby farms. The various employment opportunities nearby lack the ability to provide housing to the labour market. Also many of the children of the long term families are unable to buy housing that’s affordable and often leave the community to Chilliwack or Mission to fulfill their housing needs. I have no concerns regarding the school system because the school system is a Provincial responsibility and we all know the government funding and new schools will not be built until the population warrants it. Once the family and children’s come the provincial government will provide the necessary school funding and teachers to support our children, and new schools will be built. The next benefit to the environment is to close the operating gravel pit and develop the surface to improve the impact on the environment. The developer will design and grade with geotechnical engineers and certify the area to ensure slope stability.This will be the elimination of noise and dust pollution currently existing. We always see people saying not in my backyard. But putting all opinions aside is to evaluate the development on the merits of the project and its direct impact on wildlife, fish,the land, the environment, all people including first nations people who were here first. It is clearly obvious that for every reason this development should proceed and make the many positive changes for the net benefit of the land, the air, the water, the environment, the wildlife, the fish, and the people.I support this application as presented and would like to see 2 new trees planted for each new unit created on the land.

Deroch over 2 years ago

To whom it may concern:
Why is GWEB Holdings Ltd. Allowed to dispense with the original offer made to Lake Errock residents of 58 homes to be built on the gravel pit.

With approximately 200 homes, traffic, the influx of visitors will over burden the ecological and aquatic health of the lake.

At the last meeting the question of light pollution was raised, and we were told that lighting would be pointed downwards. For people living at the north side of the lake lights pointing downwards will be aimed directly to our homes. Surely motion sensor lighting should be considered. Streetlights should automatically turn off “ with an photoelectric sensor.
Streetlights generally turn off “automagically” when the photoelectric sensor (typically located on the upper surface of each fixture in residential areas, or in a unit controlling a large bank of streetlights on highways) receives sufficient light from night transitioning into day. It is well known light pollution has an adverse effect on our wildlife and should seriously be considered when building homes.

Sylvia Langmann
Lake Errock

D Bennett over 2 years ago

At the last meeting the question of light pollution was raised, and we were told that lighting would be pointed downwards. For people living at the north side of the lake lights pointing downwards will be aimed directly to our homes. Surely motion sensor lighting should be considered. Streetlights should automatically turn off “ with an photoelectric sensor.

Valerie over 2 years ago

I attended the meeting held Nov. 23rd. at which time I voiced my opposition to this development. Several years ago we were told it would be 65 units. Now we're told it is 290 units and along with that basement suites and coach houses will probably be allowed to help purchasers. This means our little community is going to explode! Let's round it out to 300 units. At least 2 people per unit is 600 people but we all know that the majority of units will have more than 2 people so we are looking at least 1,000 people ( most likely 1,200+). Each household will have a minimum of 2 cars, some more so that is another 600+ vehicles on a roadway which is already crowded during summer months. The excuse is that it will provide lower priced homes but even the cheapest single unit will be in excess of $800,000, more likely 850,000-900,000. That is still out of reach for a lot of families. The people who will be moving into these homes would want garbage pickup, streetlights and the other utilities that are provided in urban areas. They will not be willing to adapt to our rural lifestyle. Their lifestyle will be inflicted on those of us who want a more peaceful, more basic lifestyle. I was upset when I heard 65 units were planned but I'd settle for 65 units but never close to 300! Tell the developers to go somewhere else. Most of us don't want them.

Halli Day over 2 years ago

The hydrolist was introduced as having done a report for the FVRD as well as for the mine owner.
Can you please send a copy and /or let me know when posted on the website.
He mentioned that it takes 6 days for runoff to travel subsurface to the lake, but also commented on how quickly runoff is absorbed by the aggregate. It was good to hear that sewage treatment is at a high standard to remove nitrogen and phosphorus, but the concerns mentioned tonight we're also about runoff contamination from the lawn fertilizer, pesticides, etc. So sharing the hydrologists reports should help answer those questions.

D Bennett over 2 years ago

Thanks for your answer tonight regarding MoTI involvement. Does FVRD get any timing or proposed Lougheed hwy expansion plans, when developments are reviewed? We thought that since the Hemlock Valley OCP is already approved by the FVRD board, that you'd have more details?
We'd hope the highway would be improved, well before anything at the mine may happen.

D Bennett over 2 years ago

Where will all the garbage be taken to, the additional residences would overwelhm the transfer station.

Eagles over 2 years ago

What is the possibility that those who do not get septic, water services, or upgrades; and live in the area, will see increased taxes for this addition to the area, and the upgrades.

Eagles over 2 years ago

Would there be any money to look at increasing the NFFD Hall to accomidate a possible 2nd truck or First responder vehicle? Also have you considered a full time firefighter for that hall.

Eagles over 2 years ago

With all the added homes, and the fact that basement rental suites will be allowed, have you looked at the traffic on Hwy 7. I would expect this will add at lease 1000 vehicles to the area.

Eagles over 2 years ago
Page last updated: 26 Feb 2025, 09:53 AM