Indigenous Relations

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Photo Credit: Chris Kimmel - Fraser River Peak of Mt. Cheam NW view Photo Credit: David Urban - Spuzzum First Nation Salmon Over Fire

Photo Credit: Chris Kimmel - Fraser River Peak of Mt. Cheam NW view Photo Credit: David Urban - Spuzzum First Nation Salmon Over Fire

  • Definitions

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    Tribal Council

    An autonomous body with legislative, executive and judicial components. Contemporary councils usually represent a group of First Nations to facilitate the administration and delivery of local programs and services to their members. A tribal council’s communities are united by families and other social units, or relationships through religious, economic and political affiliations.

    (First) Nation

    Indigenous Peoples who are identified in Canadian law as "Aboriginal" or "Indian" (does not include Métis or Inuit). “First Nations” may refer generally to the many distinct cultural groups in Canada, and the singular “First Nation” can refer to a specific group as an organizational entity, a place, or a political affiliation. The late Justice Vickers (who granted the first declaration of Aboriginal title in Canada) characterized an Indigenous Nation in the same way that French-speaking Canadians are viewed as a “nation” within Canada – namely, a group of people sharing a common language, culture and historical experience.

    Service Agency

    Several communities that have come together to provide certain services for their community members.

    Treaty Association

    Several communities that have come together to negotiate modern treaty terms with the federal and provincial governments.


    It is difficult to have a clear definition of what a tribe is and is not.

    According to Duff “On the whole, Stó:lō tribes (excluding Tait) were named clusters of villages which were felt to be related by virtue of any or all of several factors or were grouped by outsiders for description purposes. Close kinship among male nucleus of population, common environment and economic activities, common history, awareness of common traditions, political unity based on a recognition of a main leader and tribal boundaries were all integrative factors. As social and political units, however, the tribes seldom, if ever, had important functions” (p. 87).

  • Population Statistics

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    The FVRD’s jurisdictional boundaries exist within an intricate and overlapping network of territorial boundaries, interest areas, reserve lands, and administrative precincts. The creation of “Bands” through the Indian Act and the attempted dissolution of traditional governance structures in favour of Western systems has resulted in a complex network of Nations, Tribes, service agencies, treaty associations, reserves, regional districts, municipalities, and communities[1].

    31 communities have 142 reserves that overlap with the boundaries of the FVRD, while 69 entities have expressed interest in lands and waters.

    24,010 of 317,670 (7.6%) of the population in the FVRD (off reserve) identify as Indigenous (2021 Census).

    [1] Through the Indian Act the some 60 to 80 Nations or Tribes were divided into 633 small federal administrative enclaves called “bands” on some 3,000 reserves (Source:

    Jurisdictional Area

    Off reserve population

    On reserve population[2]


    6,850 of 150,800 (4.5%)

    Upper Sumas 6 – 180

    Matsqui Main 2 – 100

    Aylechootlook 5 - No data

    Sahhacum 1 - No data


    7,250 or 91,990 (7.9%)

    Kwawkwawapilt 6 – 20

    Skwah 4 – 235

    Skway 5 – 75

    Tzeachten 13 – 435

    Yakweakwioose 12 – 50

    Aitchelitch 9 – 45

    Skowkale – 225

    Squiaala 7, 8 – 140

    Skwali 3 - 0

    Skwahla 2 - 0

    Lakeway Cemetery 3 – No data

    Lackaway 2 - No data

    Schelowat 1 – 5

    Grass 15 - No data


    3,380 of 40,630 (8.3%)

    Three Islands 3 - No data

    Pekw’xe:yles - No data

    Langley 2 – 20

    Langley 3, 4 - No data


    720 of 6,330 (11.4%)

    Hope 1 - 0

    Schkam 2 - 65

    Tunnel 6 - No data

    Greenwood Island 3 - No data

    Kawkawa lake 16 - No data


    120 of 5,580 (7.5%)

    Lukseetsissum 9 – 45

    Seabird Island - 740

    Chehalis 6 - No data

    Scowlitz 1 - 5

    Tseatah 2 - 15

    Wahleach Island 2 – No data

    Harrison Hot Springs

    125 of 1,825 (6.7%)

    No reserves

    EA A

    160 of 475 (33.7%)

    Kopchitchin 2 – 35

    Teequaloose 3, 3A - No data

    Long Tunnel 5A - No data

    Yelakin 4, 4A - No data

    Austin’s Flat 3 - No data

    Paul’s 6 - No data

    Boston Bar 8, 9, 10, 11 - No data

    Scaucy 5 - No data

    Shrypttahooks 7 - No data

    Boston Bar 1A - 0

    Tuckkwiowhum 1 – No data (30)

    Bucktum 4 - No data (5)

    Sam Adams 12 - No data

    Speyum 3 - No data (0)

    Chaumox 11 - No data

    Tsawawmuck 1 - No data

    Tsintahktl 2 - No data

    Boothroyd 5C - No data

    Kahmoose 4 - No data (5)

    Boothroyd 5A, 5B - No data

    Sho-ook 5 - No data

    Boothroyd 13 - No data (0)

    Inkahtsaph 6 - No data (0)

    Boothroyd 6A, 6B - No data

    Chukcheetso 7 – No data

    Boothroyd 8A - No data (0)

    Chapman’s Bar 10 – No data

    EA B

    70 of 775 (9%)

    Chawathil 4 – 160

    Ohamil 1 - 140

    Spuzzum 1 – 50

    Spuzzum 1A - No data

    Spuzzum 7 - No data

    Stullawheets 8 – 50

    Albert Flat 5 – 10

    Aywawwis 15 - No data

    Trafalgar Flat 13 - No data

    Ruby creek 2 - No data (19)

    Skawahlook 1 - No data (10)

    Klaklacum 12 - No data

    Swahliseah 14 - No data

    Puckatholetchin 11 - No data (10)

    Skawahlum 10 - No data

    Kaykaip 7 - No data

    Squeah 6 - No data

    Qualark 4 - No data

    Yale town 1 - No data (5)

    Kuthlalth 3 - No data

    Yale 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 - No data

    Four and one-half mile 2 - No data

    Saddle Rock - No data (0)

    Stout 8 - No data

    Papsilqua 2, 2A, 2B - No data

    Skuet 6 - No data

    Peters 1, 1A, 2 - No data

    EA C

    80 of 1,115 (7.2%)

    Chehalis 5 – 485

    Douglas 8 – No data (66)

    Q'alatkú7em – 50

    Holachten 8 – 150

    Squawkum Creek 3 – 125

    Paqulh - No data (0)

    Challetkohum 9 - No data

    Challetkohum 5 - No data

    Samahquam 1 - No data

    Sachteen 2A - No data (5)

    Sweeteen 3 - No data

    Skookumchuck 4 - No data (30)

    Skookumchuck 4A - No data

    Morteen 9 - No data

    Sklahhesten 5, 5A, 5B - No data

    Franks 10 - No data

    Perrets 11 - No data

    Lelachen 6 - No data

    Tipella 7 - 0

    Glazier Creek - No data

    Williams 2 - No data

    EA D

    75 of 1,995 (3.8%)

    Cheam 1 – 200

    Popkum 1 - No data (0)

    Popkum 2 - No data

    EA E

    145 of 1,460 (9.9%)

    EA F

    1380 of 150 (10.9%)

    EA G

    180 of 1,685 (10.7%)

    Lakahahmen 11 – 45

    Skweahm 10 – 45

    Sumas Cemetery 12 - No data

    Papekwatchin 4 - No data

    Yaalstrick 1 - No data

    Zaitscullachan 9 - No data

    Skumalasph 16 - No data

    EA H

    115 of 2420 (4.8%)

    Soowahlie 14 – 180

    [2] All counts in census tabulations undergo random rounding, a process that transforms all raw counts into randomly rounded counts. This reduces the possibility of identifying individuals in the tabulations

Page last updated: 03 Oct 2024, 03:51 PM