Help Shape a New Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan

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The Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan has been consolidated with the new Area C OCP and will be considered by the FVRD Board as a single bylaw.

Please visit the Area C OCP Have Your Say project page for all updates after July 2024 concerning the Neighbourhood Plan.

Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan

Open House - Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan + OCP

The FVRD is updating the OCP for Electoral Area C. An OCP is a statement of objectives and policies that guide planning and land use management. The OCP area spans from the Harrison River to the east of Deroche and includes Morris Valley, Harrison Mills, Lake Errock, and eastern portions of the Deroche Bench. The existing OCP was adopted in 2000, and the community’s vision has largely been realized. The OCP update will:

  • Include two (2) Neighbourhood Plans (Lake Errock & Harrison Mills)
  • Identify the overall land use plan for Area C
  • Include priorities raised by the community; including environmental protection, short-term rentals, parks and trails
  • Updated Geohazard information
  • Updated Environmental policies

Open House - Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan + OCP

Date: Wednesday, April 24

Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Location: Harrison Mills Community Hall, 1995 School Rd. Google Map

Come out and review the progress of the OCP update and chat with us about the Neighbourhood Plans. Your input is essential to guide future growth in Area C.

The Open House Information Boards are available here under Documents

Project Resources

A reminder that all project work completed to date is available on this webpage.

This includes a summary of the survey results, What We Heard during Public Meetings #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5, all technical reports including environmental, geohazard, archaeological, parks and recreation, and crown land assessments.

Understanding Wildlife Values in Harrison Mills

The Hancock Wildlife Foundation's report, Understanding Wildlife Values in Harrison Mills is available for review. This report will help develop proactive neighbourhood plan policies to help avoid and minimize wildlife habitat loss by identifying key areas of biodiversity in the Neighborhood Plan.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

A Neighbourhood Plan is a document that helps guide long-term decision making at a neighbourhood level. It is based on a set of policies (principles, rules, guidelines) that guide decision making in your neighbourhood. Neighbourhood plans are a product of extensive community engagement and collaboration. They are approved by the FVRD Board, and all future decisions must follow the direction of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Neighbourhood Plans are community documents, shaped by residents sharing their vision for where they live. The main component of a Neighbourhood Plan is a land use map that illustrates what type of land uses are allowed in what locations. This land use map will be prepared with the community through public engagement.

Neighbourhood Plans also contain supporting policies on key components that make up the community; environmental, cultural, archeological, geohazards, parks and recreation, growth management and land inventory. Technical reports have been completed to understand the existing conditions of these components. Policy direction will be informed by these technical reports and what we hear through community engagement.

Project Timeline


Project Update: April 2022

Thank you to everyone who participated in Public Meeting #6 on April 19, 2023. The draft conceptual plan and land use plan were presented and discussed. The discussion feedback will be used to further refine the plans and neighbourhood plan policies.

Project Update: July 2022

Thank you to those who participated in Public Meeting #5 on June 28. A summary of the meeting findings can be found here. If you missed the meeting, you can still review the display boards and provide comments using the forum below.

This meeting was the fifth in a series of public engagement events that have been designed to shape the vision of the Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan. It featured presentation boards that reviewed key project milestones to date and reflected on the preferred land uses indicated through past engagements. The conversation about initial policy directions was framed around key topics discussed to date (housing, commercial land use, natural environment, and cultural resources, recreational tourism, and community infrastructure). Feedback collected at this open house meeting will help inform the preparation of the draft Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan.

Project Update: June 2022

The Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan project is now in Phase 4. This phase is about preparing the concept for the future of Harrison Mills. Technical work completed to date and feedback collected during Phase 1, 2 and 3 through the community survey and Public Meetings #1, #2, #3 and #4 has set the context for discussing future land uses in Harrison Mills.

You are invited to attend the upcoming public meeting now offered in person!

Public Meeting #5
Date: Tuesday, June 28, 7-9 pm
Location: Harrison Mills Community Hall, 1995 School Rd

The fifth meeting in a series of public engagement events for the Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan project is an open house to present what we heard from the past engagement meetings and the preferred land use plan. The meeting will feature presentation boards that review key project milestones to date and reflect on the preferred land uses indicated through past engagements. The conversation about initial policy directions will be framed around key topics discussed to date (housing, commercial land use, natural environment and cultural resources, recreational tourism, and community infrastructure). This open house meeting will help inform the preparation of the draft Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan.

Project Update: May 2022

Thank you for your participation in Public Meetings #3 and #4 at the Harrison Mills Community Hall in April and May. The meetings initiated the collaborative land use planning process and provided opportunities to discuss future land uses in Harrison Mills.

Public Meeting #3 focused on existing constraints that will impact development in the area. The constraints are based on findings from the technical studies and include environmental, geotechnical, archaeological, land tenure, topographic and infrastructure constraints. A summary of the development constraints and community feedback gathered during this meeting can be found in the presentation and engagement summary report from Public Meeting #3.

Public Meeting #4 focused on three land-use scenarios prepared to illustrate how Harrison Mills could evolve over the next 20 years. The scenarios consider how growth can be accommodated to meet the anticipated housing need while protecting the community’s natural assets. The scenarios were prepared to contemplate the trade-offs associated with different forms of development. A description of the scenarios and summary of community feedback gathered during this meeting can be found in the presentation and engagement summary report from Public Meeting #4.

Project Update: April 2022

You are invited to attend two upcoming public meetings on April 11 and May 4 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Both meetings will be held in-person at the Harrison Mills Community Hall. These meetings are a two-part series that will focus on land use planning in Harrison Mills. Public Meeting #3 will feature a presentation by the project team to review key project milestones to date and provide an opportunity to discuss future land uses through small group workshops. Public Meeting #4 will be an opportunity to review and comment on draft development concepts of the future land use plan that will be prepared based on feedback gathered to date.

Click here to read the project mailout for more details.

Project Update: January 2022

Register today for the upcoming public meeting on February 1 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. In this meeting you will be able to review the survey results, discuss the project with the planning team, and review the key takeaways from the technical reports. Click here to register or click here to read the project mailout for more details.

Technical Reports have been prepared on the following topics: Environment Assessment, Crown Land Assessment, Archeology Assessment, Geotechnical Analysis and Parks and Trails. Reports have been uploaded for review in the document section.

The Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan has been consolidated with the new Area C OCP and will be considered by the FVRD Board as a single bylaw.

Please visit the Area C OCP Have Your Say project page for all updates after July 2024 concerning the Neighbourhood Plan.

Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan

Open House - Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan + OCP

The FVRD is updating the OCP for Electoral Area C. An OCP is a statement of objectives and policies that guide planning and land use management. The OCP area spans from the Harrison River to the east of Deroche and includes Morris Valley, Harrison Mills, Lake Errock, and eastern portions of the Deroche Bench. The existing OCP was adopted in 2000, and the community’s vision has largely been realized. The OCP update will:

  • Include two (2) Neighbourhood Plans (Lake Errock & Harrison Mills)
  • Identify the overall land use plan for Area C
  • Include priorities raised by the community; including environmental protection, short-term rentals, parks and trails
  • Updated Geohazard information
  • Updated Environmental policies

Open House - Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan + OCP

Date: Wednesday, April 24

Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Location: Harrison Mills Community Hall, 1995 School Rd. Google Map

Come out and review the progress of the OCP update and chat with us about the Neighbourhood Plans. Your input is essential to guide future growth in Area C.

The Open House Information Boards are available here under Documents

Project Resources

A reminder that all project work completed to date is available on this webpage.

This includes a summary of the survey results, What We Heard during Public Meetings #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5, all technical reports including environmental, geohazard, archaeological, parks and recreation, and crown land assessments.

Understanding Wildlife Values in Harrison Mills

The Hancock Wildlife Foundation's report, Understanding Wildlife Values in Harrison Mills is available for review. This report will help develop proactive neighbourhood plan policies to help avoid and minimize wildlife habitat loss by identifying key areas of biodiversity in the Neighborhood Plan.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

A Neighbourhood Plan is a document that helps guide long-term decision making at a neighbourhood level. It is based on a set of policies (principles, rules, guidelines) that guide decision making in your neighbourhood. Neighbourhood plans are a product of extensive community engagement and collaboration. They are approved by the FVRD Board, and all future decisions must follow the direction of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Neighbourhood Plans are community documents, shaped by residents sharing their vision for where they live. The main component of a Neighbourhood Plan is a land use map that illustrates what type of land uses are allowed in what locations. This land use map will be prepared with the community through public engagement.

Neighbourhood Plans also contain supporting policies on key components that make up the community; environmental, cultural, archeological, geohazards, parks and recreation, growth management and land inventory. Technical reports have been completed to understand the existing conditions of these components. Policy direction will be informed by these technical reports and what we hear through community engagement.

Project Timeline


Project Update: April 2022

Thank you to everyone who participated in Public Meeting #6 on April 19, 2023. The draft conceptual plan and land use plan were presented and discussed. The discussion feedback will be used to further refine the plans and neighbourhood plan policies.

Project Update: July 2022

Thank you to those who participated in Public Meeting #5 on June 28. A summary of the meeting findings can be found here. If you missed the meeting, you can still review the display boards and provide comments using the forum below.

This meeting was the fifth in a series of public engagement events that have been designed to shape the vision of the Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan. It featured presentation boards that reviewed key project milestones to date and reflected on the preferred land uses indicated through past engagements. The conversation about initial policy directions was framed around key topics discussed to date (housing, commercial land use, natural environment, and cultural resources, recreational tourism, and community infrastructure). Feedback collected at this open house meeting will help inform the preparation of the draft Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan.

Project Update: June 2022

The Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan project is now in Phase 4. This phase is about preparing the concept for the future of Harrison Mills. Technical work completed to date and feedback collected during Phase 1, 2 and 3 through the community survey and Public Meetings #1, #2, #3 and #4 has set the context for discussing future land uses in Harrison Mills.

You are invited to attend the upcoming public meeting now offered in person!

Public Meeting #5
Date: Tuesday, June 28, 7-9 pm
Location: Harrison Mills Community Hall, 1995 School Rd

The fifth meeting in a series of public engagement events for the Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan project is an open house to present what we heard from the past engagement meetings and the preferred land use plan. The meeting will feature presentation boards that review key project milestones to date and reflect on the preferred land uses indicated through past engagements. The conversation about initial policy directions will be framed around key topics discussed to date (housing, commercial land use, natural environment and cultural resources, recreational tourism, and community infrastructure). This open house meeting will help inform the preparation of the draft Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan.

Project Update: May 2022

Thank you for your participation in Public Meetings #3 and #4 at the Harrison Mills Community Hall in April and May. The meetings initiated the collaborative land use planning process and provided opportunities to discuss future land uses in Harrison Mills.

Public Meeting #3 focused on existing constraints that will impact development in the area. The constraints are based on findings from the technical studies and include environmental, geotechnical, archaeological, land tenure, topographic and infrastructure constraints. A summary of the development constraints and community feedback gathered during this meeting can be found in the presentation and engagement summary report from Public Meeting #3.

Public Meeting #4 focused on three land-use scenarios prepared to illustrate how Harrison Mills could evolve over the next 20 years. The scenarios consider how growth can be accommodated to meet the anticipated housing need while protecting the community’s natural assets. The scenarios were prepared to contemplate the trade-offs associated with different forms of development. A description of the scenarios and summary of community feedback gathered during this meeting can be found in the presentation and engagement summary report from Public Meeting #4.

Project Update: April 2022

You are invited to attend two upcoming public meetings on April 11 and May 4 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Both meetings will be held in-person at the Harrison Mills Community Hall. These meetings are a two-part series that will focus on land use planning in Harrison Mills. Public Meeting #3 will feature a presentation by the project team to review key project milestones to date and provide an opportunity to discuss future land uses through small group workshops. Public Meeting #4 will be an opportunity to review and comment on draft development concepts of the future land use plan that will be prepared based on feedback gathered to date.

Click here to read the project mailout for more details.

Project Update: January 2022

Register today for the upcoming public meeting on February 1 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. In this meeting you will be able to review the survey results, discuss the project with the planning team, and review the key takeaways from the technical reports. Click here to register or click here to read the project mailout for more details.

Technical Reports have been prepared on the following topics: Environment Assessment, Crown Land Assessment, Archeology Assessment, Geotechnical Analysis and Parks and Trails. Reports have been uploaded for review in the document section.

  • This survey has concluded. Thank you for your feedback.

    The Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) has embarked on a planning process to develop a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) for the area of Harrison Mills that resides in Electoral Area C (north of the Harrison River). The NP was triggered by a redevelopment proposal for the Sandpiper Resort. The development of this Plan will be community-led and is intended to guide future growth and development in the neighbourhood by providing a clear vision and supporting policies that respond to community needs.

    Harrison Mills NP Study Area

    To inform the Harrison Mills Neighbourhood Plan, the FVRD has prepared a community survey to provide an opportunity for residents to share their vision and goals for the future of the neighbourhood. Feedback collected through this survey will help the FVRD to plan for future development that meets the needs of local residents. The survey is open until November 5, 2021. 

    How are you using my data?

    • The personal information on this form is being collected in accordance with Section 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996 Ch. 165.
    • The personal information collected on this form will only be collected, used and disclosed for the purposes of administering matters with respect to the FVRD’s public engagement portal to allow residents to view current projects and provide their feedback, opinions and ideas.
    • Questions with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of the personal information being collected on this form may be directed to the Fraser Valley Regional District Privacy Officer and Head of Freedom of Information and Privacy at 45950 Cheam Avenue, Chilliwack, BC V2P 1N6; by telephone at 604-702- 5000 or toll-free at 1-800-528-0061; or by email at
    Share Community Survey on Facebook Share Community Survey on Twitter Share Community Survey on Linkedin Email Community Survey link
Page last updated: 05 Jul 2024, 10:28 AM