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Fraser Canyon Complete Communities

Fraser Canyon Complete Communities Assessment

The Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) has received funding from the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) to undertake a Complete Communities Assessment for the Fraser Canyon communities. This Assessment aims to understand how to make these communities even better places to live, work, and play by looking at the area from four different perspectives:

  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Infrastructure
  • Daily Needs

By analyzing these four perspectives, the FVRD wants to learn how the communities between Choate and Boothroyd might be improved. The Assessment will examine housing options, local job opportunities, and access to daily services. This Assessment will also help to identify what is working well in the Canyon communities and where there may be opportunities for improvement.

Much of the Complete Community Assessment process is a technical exercise and we need your help to fill in the gaps. Take this survey to help us understand what it’s like to live in the Fraser Canyon and how it could be made be better. Information provided will be summarized in a report and available online at:

Thank you for your time. This survey is expected to take about 10 - 15 minutes to complete. At the end, you may enter the draw for a $100 gift card!

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters



What is your current employment status?


What type of housing do you currently live in?


Do you rent or own your home?

Maximum 255 characters



How satisfied are you with your current housing situation? 


What services or amenities do you feel are lacking in your area?


How often do you need to travel outside your community for daily needs?


What is your primary mode of transportation?


How satisfied are you with the current transportation options in your community?


How would you rate the job opportunities in your community?


How do you typically receive information about community news and events?


How do you prefer to participate in local planning in your community?