Flood Response Survey
The FVRD is responsible for providing emergency management services to the electoral areas, while each member municipality (Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Kent, Hope, Mission and Harrison Hot Springs) is responsible for providing these services to their residents.
The intent of this survey is to hear from those who reside in, own, or lease property within the FVRD's Electoral Areas.
Those who reside in, own property or operate a business within FVRD's electoral areas are invited to share:
- How you, your family, business or community were impacted;
- How you received information; and
- How the FVRD can improve its emergency response communications in the future
The survey closes at 11:59 pm on Sunday, February 6, 2022.
How long will this take?
Approximately 10 minutes. Please complete only one survey per household.
What is the purpose of this survey?
To evaluate how well the FVRD communicated to residents during the extreme weather and flooding events of November 14 to December 2, 2021 and help direct communication efforts during future emergency events.
Can I skip questions?
Yes, except for questions 1 and 2.
How are you using my data?
- The personal information on this form is being collected in accordance with Section 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996 Ch. 165.
- The personal information collected on this form will only be collected, used and disclosed for the purposes of administering matters with respect to the FVRD’s public engagement portal to allow residents to view current projects and provide their feedback, opinions and ideas.
- Questions with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of the personal information being collected on this form may be directed to the FVRD Freedom of Information Head and Privacy Officer at 1-45950 Cheam Avenue, Chilliwack, BC V2P 1N6; by phone at 604-702-5000 or toll-free at 1-800-528-0061; or by email at FOI@fvrd.ca.