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Looking for quiet country

We settled in the eastern Fraser Valley in 1989, as we were looking for an acreage to raise kids and have a garden in a quiet country community. After my husband passed away I raised my daughter as a single parent and continued planting many , many flowers and creating a botanical garden with around 150 rhododendrons and azaleas. I grow most of our food and have a few chickens. The yard and garden definitely became a retreat for all kinds of wildlife as latest developments have robbed them from their habitats . Over time I have seen a lot of changes as more forests and meadows got turned into subdivisions.The road along the back side of our property became so noisy that sitting on our patio for quiet time is not possible anymore. I have also noticed a huge spike in crime, break ins into my shed, garage, and stealing. Another problem is the amount of garbage dumped along the road and into our property since some fast food chains and a liquor store opened not far from us. We chose this place once to be rural and now I feel this has all changed for the worse. I am still holding on to our oasis, but I don't know for how long I can. Farmland needs to stay put and growth and development must be stopped. The infrastructure (highway) can not take that much anymore. Everything is getting congested. We must protect the farmland for food .

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